To update a Listserv Email List:
Log into the BYU Listserv web page by going to to begin. If you haven't yet created an account on the website you will need to do so, as it is not connected to BYU Single Sign-On or any other BYU authentication system you might have already. Any Listservs that you have permissions to manage, will be displayed in the List Dashboard once you login.
Adding a Single person:
- Go to the Subscriber Options section on the left sidebar.
- Enter the person's email address and name in the blank using the format shown underneath.
- Select one of the notification options
- Click the Add Subscriber button.
- Go to and follow the instructions there. It will tell you how to prepare the file so it can be read into your subscriber list. Be sure to read the Generating a Text File from Excel and Uploading the Text File You Created sections.
- NOTE: If you want to be able to completely clear the list before adding new people, save the last import list so you can use it to remove that same group of people later.
If you just need to pass information to the CSRs, use this category.