How to install GlobalProtect VPN

Creation date: 12/16/2024 3:41 PM    Updated: 12/26/2024 9:45 AM

Open your favorite web browser and go to: and sign in with CAS and DUO using your BYU credentials.

Select the download that matches your computer's operating system.

Go to your download folder and select the installer to being the installation.

Select Next.

Select Next to install in the default location, or select Browse to install in a different location.

Select Next. The software will then install, then select Close.

On bottom right of your taskbar select the globe icon to start the software.

Select Get Started, then enter for the address.

GlobalProtect will then open a pop-up in your web browser asking you to log into CAS with DUO push, enter your BYU credentials.

You will be redirected to paloalto, check the box and select Open.

It will now attempt to connect. (Note: Do not use the vpn on BYU Eduroam or BYU Wifi, it can cause issues and may not work.)

All done! If you have any issues please submit a ticket:, thanks!

If you just need to pass information to the CSRs, use this category.