How To Add a Chemistry Network Printer

Windows 10

  1. Download the driver for the printer from the manufacturer's website for the specific printer you want to print to. The steps for this will vary greatly from brand to brand and sometimes even from one model to another. This is the link for canon printer drivers: ''.
  2. Install the driver you downloaded from the website.
  3. Click on the Start button or press the Windows key. Type "printers" into the search blank and select Printers and scanners from the results.
  4. Click on the plus sign (+) to Add a printer or scanner.
    1. Windows will begin searching for printers to add.
    2. When the link appears for The printer I wanted wasn't listed click on the link.
  5. In a separate tab on the browser, go to ''.
  6. Click on the printer you want to connect to and then copy the url for the next step.
  7. Click on Select a shared printer by name and paste<printer_name_goes_here>. Note that it doesn't matter if http is included or not.
  8. Either select the desired driver from the list under “Printers” or select the driver you downloaded by clicking “Have Disk…”.
  9. Windows settings should then say that the printer has been installed. Print a test page to ensure that the printer is set up correctly.


  1. Download the driver for the printer from the manufacturer's website for the specific printer you want to print to. The steps for this will vary greatly from brand to brand and sometimes even from one model to another. Make sure to select the UFRII version of the driver if it is a Canon printer driver.
  2. After (or during) downloading, go to System Preferences on the Mac’s toolbar.
  3. Select Printers & Scanners
  4. Select the + button (add)
  5. Select IP
  6. Make sure the Protocol is set to IPP
  7. For the Address textbox, enter the URL minus the http specifier (i.e., instead of
  8. On the Queue textbox, put in /printers/printer_you_want_to_add
  9. Set the text in the Name textbox to something you will recognize when you see it.
  10. Under Use click Select Software.
  11. Go to your Downloads folder or wherever you saved the driver, unzip the driver download, and then open the file with a .dmg extension. When it opens, you will see a shortcut that says Installer. Open the shortcut, and click through the installer installation wizard (which should be pretty intuitive).
  12. Once installed, you will be able to access a list of printers by selecting Use and Select Software…. Using this list, find the model of the printer you wish to install. Select it, then select the driver that matches it, and hit OK.
  13. Hit Add on the next screen
  14. To test it, hit open Print Queue
  15. Select printer from the upper left column of the screen (outside the window you’ve been using, on the desktop)
  16. Hit Print Test Page
  17. If you see a job come up in your printer window, the driver has installed successfully, and the device is working.
Creation date: 3/1/2021 7:53 AM      Updated: 7/20/2022 4:12 PM
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